Mains fed filtered water cooler systems reduce the carbon footprint for everyone.
Bottled water is filled with chemicals. A 2013 study found nearly 25,000 chemicals were found in a single bottle of water.*
It’s also expensive to buy, deliver and store, especially for organisations with a large number of users.
Plastic bottles pollute our planet, even when they’re recycled.
Mains fed filtered water cooler systems reduce the carbon footprint for everyone.
* Article by Dr. Jennifer Landa, Fox News, Jan 2014
The original bottled water coolers need bottles. Big plastic bottles. Lots of them. Around 3 million tons of plastic at the last count . To make plastic you need oil and, and as we know, oil is becoming more scarce.
You also need delivery trucks which again use oil. And then you need space to store them, space you could be using for something far better and more cost effective we’re sure.
In summary no bottles means no plastics and no deliveries which equates to around 30 million tonnes less of CO2 emissions each year.
The Waterpoint are carbon footprint approved and, as a company, carbon positive.
The Waterpoint can help you switch to a mains led, filtered water option with minimal hassle, and a maximum saving to your bottom line.
Being socially responsible in everything we do is as important to us as it is to you, and we at The Waterpoint believe we can be a useful partner in helping to delivering our customer’s ESG ambitions.
We are always looking to the future of our industry and will continue to update & offer you the latest and best products available to help make a difference to the planet and your bottom line.